Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How Do I Choose Bottle Label Size?

Many of our customers choose to buy our self-adhesive water bottle labels. But the question always comes up, “Which label size should I order for my personalized bottled water?” Different areas of the U. S. have different bottle shapes and sizes. Since we have don’t know which bottle you plan on using, we offer two standard sizes of water bottle labels. We ingeniously call them the small water bottle label and the large water bottle label.
How do you know which size will work for your custom water bottle project?

Follow these easy steps:
1. Cut two pieces of paper in our two label sizes:
a. 2"H x 7½"W -- small
b. 2¼"H x 8½"W -- large
2. Wrap each size paper around the bottle of your choice at the store.

3. Choose the size that works best for your bottle and note this in the “Special Instructions” box during the order process.

4. Purchase that bottle size for your event.

5. Follow our handy guide included in every order on how to apply the labels.

Some customers like to have their label ends overlap. Other customers prefer their label ends have a small gap. Either way is fine. If you look at the bottled water at the grocery store, you’ll
notice that labels come in all sizes and are applied in many different ways.

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